J E S U S   I S   L O R D  

God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7
C H U R C H   G I V I N G

The Blessings of Giving

Our church is able to reach, build, train, and send because of your support. By supporting our church, you are directly impacting the future of our community and it’s spiritual health.
The Bible teaches us the foundation for giving: the tithe. When we bring the first 10 percent of our income to the Lord’s storehouse, we put Him first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith and love. Tithers can expect the windows of heaven to open and THE BLESSING to pour out (Malachi 3:10).
An offering, any giving over and above the tithe, helps to further the growth of God’s work through new programs, new experiences and the support of other ministries and missions.
A giver can expect that gifts will be given to them “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” (Luke 6:38).  Click the button below to give to Abounding Grace Family Worship Center.
1).  Text-to-Give
Number:  (833) 808-4694
Message:  AGFAMILY
2).  Mail/Check 
Make Checks payable to:  AGFWC
Address:  P.O. BOX 2036, Media, PA, 19063
3).  Online 
You can give directly, by clicking the “GIVE” button below.

Viewing Giving Statements Using a Web Browser

  1. Log into Pushpay using your mobile number. For instructions on this, please see here.
  2. Once logged in, click “Giving Statements” on the menu bar.

3. All published giving statements related to your profile will show up here. Click on the statement you’d like to view.

4. You will be able to see and download the relevant statement.